There are many types of Eucalyptus essential oils. Eucalyptus Globulus is the one most commonly used as a decongestant and that it what it is best known for but it is much more versatile than that. It’s fragrance is camphorous and ‘blue’! I know blue is not a fragrance but it makes me think of ‘blue’ and the trees do indeed make a blue haze all around themselves. They are amongst the tallest trees in the world growing up to 200 feet in height and they can live around 250 years in the wild.
There are at least 700 types of Eucalyptus trees and shrubs, one of the most amazing is the Rainbow Eucalyptus. The Bark on mature trees will strip leaving behind a rainbow of different colours. They don’t grow in this country as it is too cold but they really are magical to see.
Simply inhaling Eucalyptus essential Oil from the bottle will make you breath deeply. It can be too strong to use on young children and babies. Myrtle, which is from the same family is the perfect alternative as it shares many of the same properties whilst being soothing rather than stimulating which eucalyptus can be.
Replace Eucalyptus with Myrtle in a blend for children between 2 and 6 years of age. For children under 2 years of age, see our advice here.
Inhaling vapour made with the essential oil can loosen and expel mucus. Using an aromatherapy blend containing eucalyptus oil will produce the same effect.
Deep Breath Blend
10ml ( 1 dessertspoon full ) Jojoba
3 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
3 drops Lavender essential oil
Use to massage chest, back and neck. Also feet as this is very relaxing and will also promote deep breathing. Having said that Eucalyptus is stimulating, it can also be balsamic and is lovely to use in blends for muscular aches and pains resulting from exercise, colds and flu or injury.
Achy Muscles Blend
10ml ( 1 dessertspoon full ) Jojoba
3 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
2 drops Black Pepper essential oil
1 drop Cypress essential oil
The Australian Aborigines used eucalyptus leaves to treat wounds and prevent infection. As with Lavender and Tea Tree you can break the arch rule of not using essential oil neat by dabbing a tiny amount of Eucalyptus on cuts, stings or spots as an instant antiseptic.
Room Sprays
Another good use for eucalyptus essential oil is in room sprays or as a light aqueous solution to keep germs at bay.
Pour 3 drops of Eucalyptus and 3 drops of Lemon essential oil to a small spray bottle and fill with water. Shake well and use as a room spray to keep germs at bay.
Surface Cleaner
Lastly, wash down surfaces with Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lemon to keep them clean and to keep bugs at bay.
Simply add a few drops to a bowl of water and soak a cloth in it to wipe surfaces with.
We have a SPECIAL OFFER on all oils above in our Eucalyptus Gift Bundle
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